The task management side of Buckets is purposely simple. We’ve decided to go deep with the core product design, rather than wide with shallow features.
Simplicity is in our DNA.
The task management side of Buckets is beautifully simple & intuitive. Buckets will never participate in the “features war” that many competing platforms have succumbed to.
We’ve taken the route of keeping things breathtakingly simple. Simple does not mean lightweight though by any means. It just means that we’ve decided to go deep with the core product design, rather than wide with thin features that mostly just produce clutter & confusion.
Kanban Boards
Calendar View
Calendar View
Sometimes we all need a bird-eye view with time being our visual measuring stick. Buckets’ Calendar view allows you to schedule tasks, set deadlines, and quickly recognize inefficiencies that have the potential to make you behind schedule.
Many task management platforms look at “notifications” as an afterthought. We’ve created a key piece of our platform around notifications to put you in a position to succeed both when at the computer, and when you’re mobile.
Threads act similar to other messaging platforms that we’ve grown accustomed to, so that you’ll feel comfortable communicating with your team from any platform or situation.